Associate Professor

Amy Lindstrom

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Linguistics, The University of New Mexico, (2017)

M.A. in Linguistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2003)

B.A. in English, St. Cloud State University, (1998)


Corpus Linguistics, Grammaticalization, Subject expression, Discourse mediated language change, Morpho-syntax


Travis, C. E.. and Lindstrom, A. (2016). Different registers, different grammars? Subject expression in English conversation and narrative. Language Variation and Change 28 (1) , pp. 103-128.


Lindstrom, A. M. (2020). Unexpressed Subjects in English: An Empirical Analysis of Narrative and Conversational Discourse. Lexington.


Lindstrom, A. (November , 2016). Deal with "IT": Subject expression and person effects in English discourse Oral Presentation 12th High Desert Linguistic Society (HDLS) University of New Mexico – Albuquerque.
Lindstrom, A. and Travis, C. E.. (December , 2014). Subject expression in English: Testing hypothesized genre differences Oral Presentation Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference (ALS) University of Newcastle.
Lindstrom, A. and Travis, C. E.. (November , 2014). Subject expression in English: An empirical test of hypothesized genre differences Oral Presentation 11th High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS) University of New Mexico – Albuquerque.
Lindstrom, A. (July , 2013). Didn’t see that coming: An analysis of unexpressed subjects in English discourse Oral Presentation 19th International Congress of Linguists (ICL) Geneva, Switzerland.
Lindstrom, A. (February 20, 2013). Calibrating collaboration: Making large group projects work Oral Presentation 8th Support for Effective Teaching (OSET) University of New Mexico– Albuquerque.
Lindstrom, A. (November , 2012). Seems like something’s going on here: A phonetic analysis of epistemic markers in conversational English Oral Presentation 10th High Desert Linguistics Society (HDLS) University of New Mexico– Albuquerque.
Lindstrom, A. (September , 2011). Dropped out: An analysis of unexpressed subjects in English Oral Presentation 40th Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) University of Texas– Brownsville. South Padre Island, TX.